

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”
― Benjamin Franklin

A testament to Sam Wise the brave

I met someone for the first time this weekend. We got along pretty well. So well that at the end of the dinner, we decided to shoot some hoops at a local park (this was beside the fact that it was 10:30PM). We were shooting hoops and talking about various topics when we ended up discussing Lord of the Rings. This was where he made a comment, one that I had heard many times before. [...]

Catching the baboon

I am fortunate enough to work with a great South African man who tells me lots of stories. Not all of them seem to have a point, but I like to listen anyway as he is always quite enthusiastic about them. One story that I particularly liked was how to catch a baboon. The story goes that in order to catch a baboon you must hollow out a small hole in the ground and then [...]

Goodbye always makes my throat hurt

I really dislike saying goodbye. I don’t like the feeling of seeing someone leave, and not knowing when I’ll see that person I care about again. Maybe, I don’t like change. Maybe, it’s just my sense of loyalty. Or maybe it’s something else. But I feel like I’m not alone in this. It’s in situations when you don’t know if or when you’ll meet again that goodbyes become extended, reflective affairs. The realisation that “you [...]

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